10 Organization Tips That Will Change Your Life

10 Organization Tips That Will Change Your Life

10 Organization Tips That Will Change Your Life

“Getting organized is a sign of self respect.”-Gabrielle Bernstein

The way we take care of our space has a direct correlation with how we feel about ourselves and our mental state.  

Cleaning and organizing can relieve anxiety and depression, and having a clutter free space helps us focus.

Organizing your life, using planners, keeping a calendar– can increase productivity and help you avoid procrastination.


How it’s done


Start in one place

I reccomend starting with your bedroom.  Having clutter in your room can negatively impact your sleep.  Get into a habit of making your bed as well, we are adults not not 12 year old boys. Throw in some decorative pillows to really spice things up.  Moving on to different rooms- just take it easy and tackle one room at a time .  


Anywhere things are piled up, find a home for them

Do you have a pile of mail and paperwork on your desk? a chair for clothes? Find a home for these things.  Put paper into a filing cabinet, get a cute basket for your clothes.


keep a planner

Organizing your space is one thing, but we want an organized life in general.  Write down everything you need to do, all appointments, friends birthdays, and anything you need to be reminded of.  Even if thats telling yourself you are a bad bitch every single day.  Write it down.


bins and storage containers are your new bff

These can be cute baskets to hold blankets,  clear totes to organize extra things that are not used all the time, and any other form of storage container that will help reduce clutter. 


keep up on cleaning

write down a chores list for things like laundry, trash, vacuuming, dishes, etc.  A clean home is a happy home.


Hang up clothes, purses, dog leashes- anything that can be moved off the floor or a table


put a trash can in every room


Plan out your day the night before in order to prioritize tasks


put shoe baskets or shelves around the house


Keep a tray on your coffee table

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