6 Reasons (and Solutions) Why Your Glutes Aren’t Growing

6 Reasons (and Solutions) Why Your Glutes Aren’t Growing


Building your glutes comes down to two very important factors, the amount and quality of the food you are eating, and whether you are challenging yourself in the weight room enough.

Your glutes are the biggest muscle on your body.  Growing them is key in creating an hourglass figure- and who doesn’t want a dump truck- this is 2021?!

If I could transform my skinny size 0 booty into a 40 inch planet – you can too.  





“Squat, because nobody ever wrote a song about a small ass” 

Before and after I started prioritizing weight lifting and eating in a caloric surplus.  This took years! Remember to be patient, if you are doing the right things- you are taking very imprtant steps towards your goals.

Reasons Your Glutes Aren’t Growing & How to Solve it 


You arent eating enough

If you have no idea how many calories you are consuming, there is a big chance you are under eating, and severely lacking in the protein department. As a coach, the majority of girls who come to me are eating roughly 500 calories below maintenance. HOW TO FIX THIS? Increase your cals slowly (50-100 per week) until you are at in a caloric surplus. You should stay in this phase for 4-6 months. You need to be eating .8-1.2 g of protein per lb of body weight, and eating plenty of carbs to fuel your workouts and build muscles.

not lifting heavy

Are you doing a lot of body weight exercises? squatting with 10 lb dumbbells? Doing random cable exercises for your entire gym sesh? This will do a whole lot of nothing for your ass. You need to be lifting heavy, pushing yourself and prioritizing compound lifts such as hip thrusts, deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, and squats. Then throw in the cable exercises after.

You are Doing too much cardio

Cardio is a great tool, but no one ever reshaped their body strictly on the treadmill. Unless you desire to have to have the muscle tone of gumby- go lift some weights.

You are afraid of leg/quad growth

I always see these posts “how to grow your glutes without growing your legs.” You can try, but a lot of the exercises these posts suggest doing (cable kickbacks, froggy pumps) will only take you so far. I promise no one is going to dislike your strong legs and you will feel like a badass once you begin to grow your body.

You are not following a plan that progresses

Progressive overload is the key to booty gains, and all gains for that matter. If you have no plan-ny, you will have no fanny. Progressive overload is where you aim to either lift heavier each week for a set amount of time, increase the reps, add in challenging pulses/pauses, or improve form. Sticking to the basics and mastering them for 4-12 weeks will take you much further than a bunch of random workouts.

Your form is poor

Form is crucial, and you should always focus on form over weight. Before attempting a new exercise, watch a how to video.



Train With Me

Benefits of Weight Lifting For Women

Benefits of Weight Lifting For Women

Benefits of Weight Lifting For Women

There is a common misconception that lifting weights will make women bulky, and that we should stick to cardio and body weight exercises.

This could not be further from the truth! 

Weight lifting is how you can build an hourglass figure, eat more food, boost metabolism, confidence, and physical and mental strength!

Just take a look at my before and after pic for proof, and keep reading for all the reasons why you should make lifting a part of your lifestyle



All of these cute fits are from my fitness boutique! check it out in the link below to support me and women’s charity (I donate 5% of all proceeds)

“Bad bitches lift heavy” – somewhere in the bible probs

6 Ways Weight Lifting Will Improve Your Life 


Improves Physique

If you are dreaming of a more hourglass figure, a slim thicc look, or just to “tone up” and burn unwanted fat – weight lifting is the answer. cardio should be a tool in addition to a weight lifting plan. By building muscle on the upper body and lower body, you can reshape your figure.

boosts metabolism aka you get to eat more

Having more lean muscle on the body boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories even at rest (while you’re chillin at home on the couch).  You need more food when you are lifting heavy- .8-1.2 g protein per lb of body weight and plenty of carbs.  carbs create energy for our body which we use at the gym.


increases sex drive

Besides the increased confidence factor- weight lifting actually increases the hormone that controls libido.  making us feel sexier and more in the mood.  and who doesn’t want better sex?


Improves mood and mental health

Strength training makes us feel powerful- it unleashes our inner bad ass and gives us mental AND physical strength. A study on 1,8– subject showed that participants who performed resistance training showed a significant reduction in depressive symptoms.  It also can serve as an outlet for anxiety, and negative/aggressive emotions.


improves confidence

Pushing yourself in the gym, showing up to learn a new skill in front of strangers (cough cough super ripped men), and improving your body are all things that lead to higher confidence. Confidence is a skill, getting out of your comfort zone and working on improving yourself directly correlates to improved confidence.

Reduces Risk of disease

Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis, which is thinning of the bones.  Weight lifting strengthens bones, and is the #1 recommendation for combatting osteoporosis.  It also promotes heart health and is more effective than cardio alone in reducing age related chronic disease.  



Train With Me

10 Skin Care Tips you Need to Know

10 Skin Care Tips you Need to Know

Achieve clear skin with these 10 tips

This Post contains affiliate links, please read my disclaimer for more info. I only post about products I trust.

The skin on our face is a finicky thing.

I shudder when I look at old photos of my cystic acne with cheap cover girl foundation caked over the top.

I was hopeless before I dove into the world of skincare. And boy did I really really dive in- I got a credit line just to buy products to see what would work. I do not recommend doing this, but I was in college, struggling with self esteem, and completely desperate. People had begin to make comments about my acne and as an insecure 20 year old, I based a lot of my self worth on what my face looked like.

Fast forward, I had accumulated $800 in debt and had an arsenal of face products. I was doing a 15 step skin care routine and my skin was literally peeling off. I was overdoing it. Here is what I learned on this adventure, and the products I now swear by to keep my skin looking clear and dewy.

1. Don’t overdo it

You don’t need to put a million things on your skin to clear it up, you need to find quality products with the essential ingredients. When you hit 30 it might be time to introduce vitamin C and retinol to your routine, but if you are young and worried about acne you should focus on other products.

2. Stay away from products containing alcohol.

Stop using products with alcohol that dry out your skin. I cannot stress this enough, dry skin will cause acne and make your makeup look awful. When we dry out our skin and we mess up the moisture barrier and this can wreak havoc on our face. Your skin will produce oil if you strip if of the natural stuff.

3. Use a two step cleansing process

If you wear makeup, chances are your cleanser is leaving residue behind. Use an oil cleanser first (sounds scary, but there is science behind this), wipe clean with a face towel, and follow with a gentle cleanser. Oil cleanser breaks down makeup much better than soap. I always follow with another cleanser because I don’t like the feeling of any oil left on my skin. I use DHC Oil cleanser and Purity by Philosophy. Both I have used for years and have made a huge difference in my skin.

4. Use a serum.

Find a serum for your needs. I like having dewy hydrated skin, so I use a hyaluronic acid from Paula’s Choice. Anything from there is great- you can read her testimonials and her research on her website.

5. Use a leave on exfoliant.

Anything you use to wash your face will not be on your skin long enough to do it’s full job. It might be refreshing and feel good on your skin, but that’s likely all it’s doing. Use a leave-on product with BHA or AHA, which will work deep into your skin to address enlarged pores, acne, and even redness.

6. My holy grail product. LALA RETRO.

It’s expensive, but I swear by this. I have tried other products because well, ouch my poor wallet sometimes, but every time– I break out or get a rash. The texture is luxurious and makes my skin look dewy and never dry. I used to not be able to wear foundation because my skin was so flakey but then I discovered this. Drunk elephant produces amazing products, and I have tried their all their minis and their peptide lotion. Highly recommend the other lotion as well, but I find it just a little less hydrating.

7. Learn to love a good face water.

I take it with me on trips and even keep one in my purse as a pick me up. I also like to spray my face after I wash it, so the hyaluronic acid serum has moisture to grip to when I put it on. If you put hyaluronic acid on dry skin, it can actually pull moisture out of your skin. I alternate between just regular spring water and rose water. Either are good, just avoid ones with alcohol or witch hazel because it can dry out your skin.

8. Use a silicon face scrubber

This provides a gentle yet exfoliating cleanse. Make sure you only use this with your face wash on a makeup free face otherwise you are just rubbing makeup into your poor pores. I have a Foreo, but you can get amazon dupes for much less.


You need to stay hydrated inside for your skin to look it’s best. My goal is to drink around 120 oz of water a day. This flask is my go-to because it keeps my drinks cold, is less expensive than a hydro, and it’s cute! I carry it with me wherever I go and sip on it constantly. Drinking a lot of water makes such a difference and even helps you feel more energized throughout the day.

10. Use Sunscreen even when it’s not sunny

Sunscreen will save your skin. It doesn’t matter the season, you should always apply a face SPF after moisturizing in the morning. This protects your skin from free radicals which break down the collagen in your skin. Without sunscreen, you can almost guarantee to see early wrinkling.