How to Use Manifestation to Transform Your Life

We live in an abundant world.

Write that down.

Now say it to yourself everyday until you believe it.  

Manifestation is goal setting with a bow on it- it allows you to get clear about what you want- but you must be willing to put in the work to get it, 

Manifestation Explained

Manifestation is not just for hippies, it is used by philosophers, and successful entrepreneurs all over the world.

If you can conceive it in your mind, you can make it happen in reality. Take Henry Ford for example; he was poor and uneducated, but dreamed of a horseless carriage. He went to work on his vision and turned it into reality. Because he believed it to be true.

It does not matter what your current reality is, as long as you can envision where you are going and how you will get there.

What matters is what you believe you can achieve.  Having faith in the Universe, and yourself will help you tap into infinite intelligence.  Infinite intelligence means that you have no limitations except those you accept in your mind. 

Vision boards and idea binders work wonders for manifesting something. You have to be willing to put in the work though. Not just until it becomes to hard, or you fail- but until you have reached your dream.

When I first learned about the power of manifestation, I had been dreaming about owning a golden Retriever for years. I thought, why not- I will make a vision board of this and put it out into the world. At the time I had $400 in my bank account, and knew nothing about raising a puppy. I ended up bringing home my dog 6 months later. In that time I had saved up thousands of dollars to pay for him, his private trainer, supplies, and high end dog food. I manifested that sh*t 100%.

Your goals aren’t going to chase themselves. But the universe will bring you to them if you get super clear about what you want and how you will get there. I love Idea Binders because you can categorize every step of your life that you want to manifest something in.

Get dividers, label them, and fill each section with a specific dream. You can go on pinterest to collect beautiful photos of your what you want to manifest, and paste them onto a word document that you will print out. 

Manifestation works through the law of attraction, which if you are unfamiliar with, I suggest you read The SecretYou have to truly believe you can have what you are manifesting.  It is important that you write down how grateful you are to already have what you want.  For example, say you want your business to earn a certain amount of money per month.  Write down; “I am so grateful that my business is succeeding, and earning x amount of money each month.”  “I am deserving of this income, and will be a great stewart of it.”  

You must raise your vibration to that of what you want.  Thoughts and energy create our reality, and once you start thinking like this, you will watch your energy shift.  I accredit a lot of my success to manifestation.  I worked my ass off yes, but I never lost faith and trusted that the Universe would help me manifest my dreams.  

I will link the books I read that helped me learn about manifestation and the law of attraction.  This can work for anyone, its one of the many laws of the Universe.



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