Using meditation to calm an anxious mind


Why is meditation beneficial for our health?

Meditation allows us to gain a clearer insight in our lives. It reduces stress and negative emotions, increases creativity, and allows a closer connection to the universe.

We have a million things pulling our attention in different directions throughout the day, therefore many of us have the inability to relax.

Meditation can be a struggle to bring into your life, but definitely a skill worth mastering in order to improve your mental space.

  • Read a self help or meditation book. This is almost a form of meditation in its own. Reading about how to improve our lives can really get us inspired and in the zone. These are my favorites:
  • Light some candles. Focusing on a candle can help to drown out the world around us, and I find the flickering very relaxing. A flameless candle works too.
  • Play a guided meditation on YouTube. They are free! I have some on my YouTube as well.
  • Focus on breathing. First count 4 seconds in, then 4 seconds out.
  • Don’t let your thoughts take over. When your thoughts begin to chatter in your head- address them, but don’t feed into them. It will make it more difficult when you get frustrated that the process “isn’t working”.
  • Set a timer. Start with 5 minutes, then work your way up a couple minutes each day. 30 minutes is the goal.
  • Meditate before bed or in the morning. In the morning, meditation can help you set intentions for the day, and in the evening it can help you relax.
  • Use a diffuser with essential oil. Lavender is great for stress relief and peppermint is great for focusing. Perfect for meditation. (If you have pets, be sure to read up on what oils you cannot use in the home.)
  • Set an intention. I do this sometimes when I am trying to work through a certain issue or wanting an idea to come to me. I say what I want to focus on and when I I quiet my mind I can usually find more clarity.
  • Sit on a Prayer Pillow. You can set anywhere you want but I enjoy sitting cross cross applesauce on this pillow in front of my candles and diffuser. Just gets me in the zone.

Good Luck!
